Canadian Federalist Party
CFP Constitution Articles
1. CFP Body Constituted 8. CFP Constituency Associations 15. CFP Amendments
2. CFP Constitution Scope 9. CFP Candidates 16. CFP Legal Framework
3. CFP Basis of Unity of Spirit 10. CFP Leadership 17. CFP Offices
4. CFP Purpose & Mission 11. CFP Interim Leadership 18. CFP National Policies
5. CFP Party Principles 12. CFP Leadership Elections 19. CFP Notices
6. CFP Accountability 13. CFP National Convention 20. CFP Provincial Parties
7. CFP Composition 14. CFP National Executive Council 21. CFP Dissolution or Mergers



The basis of “Unity of Spirit of the CFP Membership” includes:

3.1.1 Our adoption of foundational principles of Free-Enterprise, Democracy and Socialism in a context of moderation and flexibility. These are the philosophical principles for the Canadian Federalist Party, (CFP). We refer to our political philosophy as” FEDS- Free Enterprise Democratic Socialism.

3.1.2 Our commitment is to Public Service. We believe Government Representatives, Civil Servants, Politicians, and Political Parties exist to Serve the People Equally across our nation. We are committed to being honourable and effective stewards of Canada’s Five Key Resources: Human, Physical, Informational, Technological and Financial.

3.1.3 CFP members pursue Pro-Canadian political perspectives. We are dedicated to the principle: “Canada can best serve its citizens and others by protecting and maintaining its Heritage, Political and Economic Sovereignty as an independent country.”

3.1.4 CFP aims to restructure Canada’s economic balance between: Central Bank- Banks- Government Treasury- Oligopolistic Industries, Civil Services, Domestic Businesses- Family Businesses and most importantly- Individual Canadians.

3.1.5 CFP members are committed to the rule of the law, and to the concept that governments and lawmakers are not above the laws of the land. The CFP aims to review all laws and regulations that create imbalances in economic opportunity within sectors of our economy.

 3.1.6 CFP members want to establish vibrant programs across our nation that promote the great Canadian characteristic of "Unity in Diversity". Such programs would promote another great Canadian trait, that of tolerance! Thus our Canadian "Multi-culturalism" will triumph as a vital Canadian strength and a magnificent example to the rest of this culturally conflicted world.

3 .1.7 CFP concept of social justice and solidarity in caring for and serving each other. Social justice has many facets, including: financial opportunity, access to education & health care, personal freedoms, crime-victim restitution, criminal rehabilitation, social equality, etc. Respect, care & service to other Canadians is intrinsic in the CFP’s Unity of our Canadian Spirit.

3.1.8 CFP belief in the value of cultural community. Canada’s thousand cultures represent a global diversity of human beliefs and lifestyles. CFP members pursue great tolerance of differences while encouraging positive social values and respectful harmony.

3.1. 9 CFP commitment to equality of competitive opportunity to pursue prosperity through personal development and initiative.

3.1.10 CFP emphasis on personal responsibility. CFP members believe that Canadians are personally accountable and responsible for their activities, especially where risks are inherent in their actions.

3 .1.11 CFP belief that political parties should be guided by stated values and principles which are shared by their members and rooted in the political beliefs of Canadians.

3.1.12 CFP member commitment to Canada as one nation indivisible, and to our vision of Canada as a symbiotic federation of Provinces, Territories, Nations and Citizens.

3.1.13 Canada's identity and Vision for the Future should be rooted in and inspired by a sincere appreciation of "our land and environment", plus the supreme importance to our well-being of exploring, developing, renewing, and conserving our natural resources and physical environment.

3.1.14 CFP members elevate and nurture caring and compassionate values among all peoples and all indigenous cultures.